At Always On Time Auto & RV Repair in Santa Clarita, CA, we’ve got every answer to your transmission questions and needs, and answers to a lot of things that fall outside of that realm as well. Today, we’re talking about the ABS light - an issue that plagues many modern drivers at some point or another.
Sometimes it can be hard to tell if a transmission is working the way it should or not. Is it supposed to make that noise? Is that problem a symptom of the transmission or something else? Fortunately, Always On Time Auto & RV Repair in Santa Clarita, CA has the answers.
Leaks and drips that get the interior of your vehicle wet are definitely an inconvenience. Sitting water promotes rust, bad smells, and can ruin your carpet. Furthermore, the water often seems to come from seemingly nowhere, adding to the frustration. From Always On Time Auto & RV Repair in Santa Clarita, CA, here are some of the leading causes of water on your floor, and what you can do about it.
Two things matter when mounting new tires on your truck or commercial vehicle. First, you want it done right. Second, you want it done fast. For both, Always On Time Auto & RV Repair in Santa Clarita, CA has you covered.
The hydraulic system in your transmission is responsible for telling the mechanical components what to do, and when to do it. In order to better understand how your transmission works, it’s important to understand the mechanical components of it.
Your fleet or commercial truck works hard, every day. Most commercial vehicles are heavy, and constantly under load. As a result, your brakes will inevitably develop issues over time. At Always On Time Auto & RV Repair in Santa Clarita, CA, we can fix that.
Your gas mileage mostly depends on what kind of car you drive; engine displacement and vehicle weight are the largest determining factors on gas mileage, and there’s not much you can do to change either of those. That doesn’t mean attempting to improve your fuel economy is a completely hopeless endeavor, however. With these tips from Always On Time Auto & RV Repair in Santa Clarita, CA, you might be surprised how much your fuel mileage can be improved.
The operation of your transmission depends on your hydraulics. Even if that sounds like a foreign language to you, at Always On Time Auto & RV Repair in Santa Clarita, CA, we speak the automotive language. We want you to understand what we're talking about, so here are the basics of the hydraulic functions behind your transmission.
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